
A large group of volunteers from SMPC, along with family, a couple dogs, and friends from Verdacity came out for trail maintenance on February 11th, our first outing of 2023.  We extended our cleanup effort to include SMPC’s adopted segment of trail from from Tingley Beach near the COA BioPark/Botanic Gardens and Aquarium, northward to the I-40 underpass; we also covered the trail going south from Central, all the way down to Avenida Dolores Huerta – the bridge that crosses the Rio Grande near the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

Our cleanup effort spanned over 10 miles and netted 12 bags of litter and debris, including a tire, an old rug and a curtain rod complete with curtain.

The city of Albuquerque offers plenty of rewarding volunteer opportunities for individuals, small groups, and large groups. We encourage our staff and members of the community at large to embrace and improve our city. Go to if you would like to help out around the community, or reach out to the City of Albuquerque Parks & Rec Department for more information on adopting a trail.